Penguins of Boulder's Beach

Useful things to know before visiting Boulders Beach

Why are there penguins at Boulders Beach?

Penguins are usually associated with icy locations so it can be surprising to find out that penguins live on a sunny beach in Western Cape, South Africa. So I did some research and found out that the African penguin colony started as two pairs of penguins that settled at Boulders Beach in 1983. Today there are over 2000 African penguins living there. This is the only place in the world where you can get this close to and swim with African penguins.

View of penguins at Boulders Beach
Posing with penguins at Boulders Beach

How to get to boulders Beach

Boulders beach is located in Simon’s Town which is 42km from Cape Town city centre. So if you’re in Cape Town, you will need to think about how you’re going to get there. You have a number of options:

  • Option 1: Hire a car
  • Option 2: Uber
  • Option 3: Train
  • Option 4: Private tour

Which ever option you choose, consider including a stop at Muizenberg beach which is famous for its colourful huts and is a great place to surf.

How much is entrance to Boulders beach?

Boulders beach is one of 6 main attractions of the Table Mountain National Park which is managed by the conservation authority, South African National Park (SANParks).  This means that Boulders Beach is protected to ensure sustainable tourism is practiced.

There is a conservation fee required for entry to Boulders Beach. The conservation fee is as follows (Last updated in October 2020):

South African residents: R40 for adults; R20 for children

SADC nationals: R80 for adults; R40 for children

International visitors: R160 for adults; R80 for children

When to visit Boulders Beach

Boulders Beach is open throughout the year. The entrance and exit times are slightly different depending on time of year but are in the region of 8am to 5pm.

When I went to Boulders Beach at 12:00 in June, there were no penguins on the immediate beach you see when you enter. I had to climb over and between the boulders to find the penguins – who knew this is what it takes?! Afterwards, I drove to the boardwalk viewing deck at Foxy Beach where I saw plenty of penguins.Note: You only need to pay once for dual entry to Boulders Beach and   to the boardwalks at Foxy Beach.

I later learnt that there is a penguin calendar and a time of day when penguin activity is high.

The penguin calendar:

The best time to visit is breeding season from February to August and early in the morning or in the late afternoon.

In September and October, you will see fewer penguins on the beach because they are at sea, feeding and fattening up for moulting season.

November to December is moulting season during which the penguins’ old feathers shed and are replaced with new feathers. The penguins are at shore and less active during this period and appear fluffy.


Penguins of Boulder's Beach

Can you touch the penguins at Boulders Beach?

They look so cute and harmless but touching and holding the penguins is not allowed for the best interest of your safety and the protection of the penguins.

The African penguin is an endangered species and irresponsible tourism is listed as one of the threats to their existence. Let’s not contribute to the problem. Please respect all of the rules and instructions given when you visit. 

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